The Rise of the Durashan Federation
4,000 years after the Great Halving, all the nations of the Kuier Continent were living in prosperity and independence. Civilizations grew and prospered while others inevitably crumbled and fell yet a certain harmony was still achieved in this continent. Nations may have fought against one another, but civility still existed through embassies strategically situated in various nations. However, just like with any other civilizations, the Kuier Continent faced another great fall.
From the North, a delegation arrived bearing the gift of goodwill and plans for a more progressive Kuier. The citizens and leaders that this delegation has approached were presented with platforms as well as promises of innovation and opulence. This delegation called themselves, the Durashan Federation. This federation is a strategically arranged group of states from the northern region of Kuier, united under a single banner. They brandish improvement, peace, and harmony. A number of leaders from the other nations in Kuier decided to agree and be a part of the federation – a decision that will be regretted later on. Some leaders opposed to joining the federation, but this did not stop the latter from conquering their regions. Wars were instigated in these places until they are weak enough to be subdued and occupied.
Years have passed and what they thought was good leadership is actually a front for what Durashan Federation really stands for – Imperialism. Under the rule of the Durashan Federation, each nation is allowed their own form of governments but were restricted in their policies by those of the Federation’s. They were also obliged to pay taxes and send in soldiers in the already massive Durashan Army thus keeping the possibility for revolts exceptionally low.
As years went by, governments and nations toppled. Their leaders were replaced by individuals loyal to the Federation. It was only a matter of time before the whole of Kuier would completely bow their heads to the Northern overlord, the Grand Dura.
The Principles of the Durashan Federation
The Durashan Federation employs a ‘Double Stance Principle’ (DSP) on every territory they conquer. With the DSP, citizens from conquered nations are free to move or migrate within the subjugated territories. However, a classicist system is also being implemented.
In the hierarchy, the topmost races include the Native Nagarians and the Native Azarians. These two native Durashan races were by law, above all other citizens. They are entitled to receive high posts and ranks in different fields as well as enjoy privileges. They are the elite races. On the other hand, non-natives are prohibited from climbing up ranks.
With that said, being a native Durashan does not come without nuisances. The two native races are forbidden to take part in any interracial relations including relations with the opposite native race. This is harshly shunned by their own people. Nevertheless, interracial relations have still become a major issue that persisted for years. The Nagarians and Azarians have agreed to ruthlessly hunt down those who commit to interracial relations. They also mercilessly seek out half bloods to ensure the purity of their race.

The Ruling Class of the Durashan Federation
As the Durashan Federation had a lot of land to cover, it was important to create a structure rigged towards stability and so the Durashan Federation built out a bureaucratic structure keeping the armistice within it subjugated territories. The only exception to the bureaucratic structure was the army, which was an affair directly controlled by the Grand Dura.
The Council of Dura
To ensure continuity and peace between the two races of the Durashan Federation that were considered elite, they both had equal representation on the Council of Dura, consisting of six members on both sides. Each of the members had their own domain and title ranging from Trade and Commerce Commissaries, the Rulers of Durasha, the Prime Judiciaries, the Emissaries to unconquered territories, the Advisors to the Kings, and the High Ambassadors to the Great Valley. The Nagarians and Azarians had their own laws on these positions. The Nagarians preferred to employ a democratic practice so that the council positions are voted on by the elites and nobles of the Lowlands. On the other hand, the Azarian council members are appointed for life and are only changed when they pass away or step down their post.
The Succession of the Grand Dura
When the Grand Dura passes away, another needs to be appointed via the Grand Dura Selection Process facilitated by the Council of Dura. The selection process is quite unique as the new Grand Dura needs to have the wisdom, strength, and power to rule over all the Durashan Federation territories. The Selection Process will be used to evaluate which of the candidates possesses these qualities.
While the Selection Process takes place, the Council of Dura will temporarily rule over the federation up until the new Grand Dura is selected.
Ruling over the other regions
The High Ambassadors are appointed by the Council of Dura and the Grand Dura. Their main task is to oversee the ruling King, class, leader, or the likes of the federal territories. They are also tasked to provide advice or help make decisions that are in line with the vision of the federation.
The Key Regions of the Present-Day Durashan Federation
The Durashan Federation is not one to stay still even with countless nations conquered. It plans to continue its acquisitions as it reaches out to other continents and nations. As such, the federation does not have an official map due to the constant mergers and invasions. There are, however, few key regions that are worth noting.
The Highlands, Lowlands, and Midland of Durasha: Home of the Pure Bloods
The elite race of the native Durashans specifically known as the Nagarians and Azarians, hailed from the Highlands and Lowlands of Durasha. Durasha is a large northern region in the Kuier Continent.
The Highlands of Durasha is a mountainous area shrouded in mist. However, behind the mist is a flourishing area with lush cloud forests and an abundance of fauna. While some parts of the Highlands are deemed rocky and inhospitable, most are viable for life, enough to sustain and nurture its native dwellers – the Azarians.
On the other hand, there are the Lowlands of Durasha. The Lowlands is the area right below the mountains. The land famously cloaked by the clouds. It is filled with rainforests and bodies of water that are brimming with life. Such is the place where the Nagarians lived and prospered.